

Penn State 白兰地酒 held a Chinese banquet on Feb. 4 to celebrate the Lunar New Year. 活动包括正宗的中国美食、游戏和活动,以及舞狮表演.

Credit: Bill Tyson

宾州州立大学白兰地酒社区最近举办了一场真正的农历新年庆祝活动. 校园里以中国传统美食迎接虎年的到来, 中国舞龙者和来自亚洲各地的众多传统活动.

2月的. 4 event was sponsored by the Office of Multilingual & International Student Programs, the Center for Ethics and Civic Engagement, and the Multicultural Club.


王, who was born in China but spent most of his life in Singapore, is a seasoned professional when it comes to Lunar New Year events, having planned many throughout his educational career.

“我一直参与策划像中国新年这样的庆祝活动,王说, 注意到当他加入多元文化俱乐部时,他被介绍给陈. “CiCi告诉我将有一个中国新年庆祝活动,我说,  Oh, that’s my area of expertise!’” 

Mentioning the fall semester’s Diwali festival, 陈指出,她看到很多人在校园里找到了有趣的方式来分享他们的文化. 

“I just love that because that’s part of why I came to the U.S. I think it’s a place where culture is mixed together, 在那里人们互相欣赏,分享彼此的不同,陈说. “So that’s why I wanted to share something about my culture.

“我只是想创造一个空间,让人们看到或从我引以为傲的文化中学到一些东西,” she explained. “I love it and I really want to let more people get to know it.

“所以我去找欧西教授,问她能否举办或策划一场活动,分享我对自己文化的热爱。谢天谢地,她马上同意了。. I’m just so happy about that!陈说.

Debbie Lamb Ousey is the coordinator of multilingual student programs, co-coordinator of the multilingual student course cluster, advisor to the campus Multicultural Club, 以及bck体育官网国际学生和bck体育官网理事会的校园联络员.

“I think it's a testament to how welcoming 白兰地酒 can be,欧西在谈到陈希望与更广泛的校园社区分享她的文化时说. “学生们觉得这样做和分享很舒服……他们分享了很多自己.”

“我也很喜欢看到学生们的反应和与会者的热情,欧西说, 看到来自不同背景的学生聚在一起庆祝中国的传统节日,真是太棒了.


Ousey noted that it was especially impressive to see Chen and 王, who are both first-year students, step in to organize and lead the Lunar New Year event.

“我就是喜欢看到学生们的成长和他们的领导力,”欧西说. ” I can only imagine how much more growth there’s going to be. If as a freshman you’re doing this … I think it’s fantastic.”

小陈现在是白兰地酒学院的第二学期,小王是这学期才来的.  当王作为周五活动的主持人上台时,他才来学校几个星期.

他解释说,农历新年是中国文化中“最重要的节日”. As Chen detailed, 该活动取决于农历,因此每年的日期可能不同. Actual dates aside, 陈先生说, 农历新年代表着“我们结束了一年的辛苦工作,人们终于可以回家和家人一起休息”的时刻. 在所有的收获和辛勤劳动之后,这是一个与家人一起庆祝的重要时刻。.

“Family is a really big thing in our culture, 所以有时间和家人一起庆祝,吃一年中最美味的晚餐, that is really just the most amazing thing for us,陈补充道. “我们也想记住我们珍贵的礼物和过去的艰难时光, so that’s why we keep this as our most important day."

在中国, Chen explained it is standard for families to all cook large meals, travel to visit one another’s homes, and end with a trip to the temple or a fair. “So it’s just about family,陈说. “It’s a time only about family.”

Chen shared that she came to the United States to finish high school. Initially, her mom was here in the states with her. “但现在我一个人在这里,所以这段时间对我来说很艰难,”陈说. “I’ll admit that, because it’s not an easy thing,她补充道。, 她指出,虽然她喜欢与家人进行虚拟交流,也喜欢收到虚拟红包(一种传统的亚洲节日红包)。. “我真的希望我能和他们在一起,因为这是我们一直在做的.

“Even though I’m far from them, that family connection is never broken no matter the distance,陈说.

为了能把农历新年带到她在白兰地酒的新家, 陈先生说, brought her so much happiness.

Sharing what it meant to be able to bring the event to his school, 王 noted that “in America, people still don’t’ know a lot about Chinese culture yet.”

“所以我发现那些一直生活在美国的人,他们并不真正了解我们. 没有. A lot of things that they do know might be largely inaccurate. So I was hoping that I could help in this way,王说.


“I want to try my best to do that,陈说, 注意到她正在采取的一些小步骤,以与她的新社区分享她“古老而真正优雅”文化的“美丽”部分. 

“I can share it with the school that is quite a big community, but we’re trying to take every step we can to just make it better,陈说.

陈和王都在多语言和国际学生项目办公室担任国际学生导师, 他们俩都充分利用了这个机会把爱传递下去.

“I really loved the atmosphere in the office,”  王 said of the environment in the multicultural club space.  “我想在这个办公室里延续这种友好和包容的氛围和文化, and bring it on to future international students to come,王说.  “我希望能够尽自己的一份力量,让国际学生更有家的感觉.”